Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today, I watched a fairly old movie. Fargo it was. The directors; the infamous Coen brothers. These are the same schmucks who directed some of my favorite movies. Fargo was their breakthrough. And today was my first time seeing it. It was brilliant despite being terribly cliche', original in it's story. But it is debateable whether it is worth seeing; mad depressing, and not really funny even though it is listed as a comedy. To be fair, comedy in the classic sense has less to do with "ha hahs" and more to do with irony. The directors' wild use of irony is what gives the film its brilliance. But really it is not that funny. It's sad and pitiful, and ironically it is regrettably non-preachy. It's the first film I have ever seen that I wished to be preached at. But I think this is how they want the viewer to feel. They want us to feel that tension when we view art, not wanting to hear a simple moral sermon but a complicated existentialist message.
With Fargo, what we get is a simple moral message artistically shoved down our throats, leaving us choking on the truth wishing that is wasn't so true. And we as modern Americans are not entertained by such moral cynicism. But the genius of this film, the true originality of this film, is that it is American, it is extremly simple in it's message (though original in its story), and it's message is cynical, and leaves us with a lingering bitterness, and we as optimistic Americans still drink it and swallow it, verbalize our distaste, and ask for another cup. It seems that when we do venture from the suburban middle class world of Americana, we don't actually leave, we just pretend that we're European while the real Europeans snicker at us. But with Fargo, the Coen's have managed to leave America, actually and really, without actually entering any other known territroy, except that in this new land the moral law has not changed, and therefore neither can their message. If Fargo is not original, then it has brought back tragedy. I feel like this would not be welcome. But the Academy Awards that line the hallways of the Coen's home contradict that sentiment. My first reaction to Fargo was that I wished it wasn't so hopelessly sad. Now I understand that this is not the point. Against what I am used to, this film isn't trying to get to think or feel any specific way. It not trying to change anything. It is not trying to make a statment. It is not trying to philosophize. It's a sermon in the form of story. And it's message is one we are all well aware of, but struggle to apply. And we wonder why our lives are so hard? Fargo tells us what we already know with gutwrenching honesty and necessary melodramatics. Fargo tells us that are lives are hard because we make them hard. Stop lying, cheating, and being greedy. It will make our life so much easier. We just don't believe it, do we? No we don't.

Providentially, I ended up reading the book of Proverbs in a cafe this afternoon. Proverbs, like Fargo is unashamedly preachy but with a different literary style. Here is an excerpt of what I read feeling like I was reading the Coen's inspiration. (If you haven't seen Fargo, you should. I didn't want to take up space in this post to explain the plot. I assumed my readers had seen it.) Okay, here is Proverbs 1:10-19

My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent
If they say, "Come with us.
Let us lie in wait to shed blood.
Let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause
Let us swallow them alive like Sheol, and whole, like those who go down to the Pit;
We shall find all kinds of precious possessions,
We shall fill our houses with spoil;
Cast in your lot among us,
Let us all have one purse"-
My son, do not walk in the way with them
Keep your foot from thier path; for their feet run to evil and they make haste to shed blood.
Surely, in vain the net is spread in sight of any bird;
But they lie in wait for their own blood,
They lurk secretly for their own lives.
So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain

It takes away the life of its owners

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Women are Beautiful

The title of this post is extremly appropriate and is in no way meant to objectify that wonderful creation that we call woman. Sure, us men folk enjoy the peculiar curverture that God has endowed women folk with. And to some extent, women were created to be aesthetically pleasing, made to be decorated, and adorned. But let us not forget that which the Bible rightly reminds us. And that is that what makes women most beautiful; what propels them to heights of beauty that men cannot even imagine touching if we were not blessed with having them with us, is that nurturing inner beauty. And I say this two nights removed from watching five exhausted females nurture and love a beautiful dying 20 year old girl, whom death has attempted to mar. But death cannot kill beauty. And women whose sins are payed for by Jesus, have only to fear if they fear the hope of resurrection and the consolation prize of a new body. Sooner than later this girl will have a brand new body, and one that death cannot come near.
I sat behind five women in the Hospice room. They had taken charge of things. I knew my place. The dying girl restlessly tossed and turned in pain unable to find peace. She got up 5 times just to get up. Twice to got to the bathroom. She only actually went once. She asked for more pillows, less pillows, to put her feet up, to put her feet down. And the women were there meeting every single request, caring not that I was there. They were just being women. They were making sure another human being was loved. This is what women do. Us men know that people should be loved. But women cannot not love people. It is within their DNA to love, and to nurture, and to endure excruciating amounts of pain in order to ensure that the life they are nurturing at the moment is the most loved life in the world. I am aware that I am speaking in gross generalities. But while we're speaking in general, let's think of what women generally do that makes them beautiful. They endure the pain of pregancy and childbirth gladly knowing the result is a life that they can take care of. They correct, provide for and continually forgive the little sinners that they've happily accepted from God. In this they show us what God is like. That he is indeed more of a "daddy" than he is a father. Thank God for women. Without them we would all be ugly and die in maybe a matter of weeks.
Please do not take this to mean that I am implying that women are merely curved child rearers. I believe that women are harder workers than men. They are more shrewd in busines than men. They are more courageous, more tough, all the while being better looking than men. They are smarter then men. And capable of doing everything men can do (but better) except play games and start wars. What's more, God has given them the task of bearing and raising children because only women can handle it, and only women are honorable, and trustworthy enough for God to give the task to.
Don't get me wrong. Women are still sinners. Men are not scum. Men are made in the image of God, ( and interestingly women to0). To be a woman is not automatically to be a goddess. Men can build, cultivate, and create beautiful art. But women are a most beautiful, most brilliantly suitable helpmate. And this became a reality to me in a way it never had before in that Hospice. I just wanted to wax eloquent upon the deep impression it made on me. You must excuse the hyperbole and melodramatics. But are not women the most beautiful of God's creations? This does seem to be one of the least debateable points in all the universe.

Friday, September 5, 2008

a o iou oaa.

Th ttle of ths pst jst prvs th pt vwls r a cmplt wst of spc.

Some of Your Guys' Thoughts Please?

Although I believe in not taking life too seriously, I do believe in being active for change. Sometimes I get completely frustrated and clueless as to how to make this happen and this is one of the reasons that faith ends up being the most important thing for me. This blog will have its silly moments, its slapstick treasures, some ridiculosity, but if that's all it is, that's greatly disappointing. I don't expect to change the world, by this blog alone, I expect it to be yet another way in this increasingly "advancing" technological society for people to relate. I have to believe that this is a major starting point for good things to start happening in our world; people talking, asking questions, debating, learning, doing, and not judging. So seriously, comment on anything you want. If you have a question, bring it up. If you have an answer, you think, or another question, or just a comment, be my guest. Be our guest. One warning, Don't write anything that's sexually distasteful or downright disgusting. And please be discerning about what kind of language you use. I don't think swearing is a sin, but it can be distracting. I want to give you an example of what would be bad, but you know... that would be fckng hypocritical.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Post Ever

I have to be interesting. This one time, my Hebrew professor, in order to demonstrate how unnecessary vowelss can be in language, because as we all know, some people get perplexed over the original Hebrew writings because the authors did not see fit to include Hebrew vowels. But if you know and speak the Hebrew language, then you can make out words without vowels, so this really isn't a problem. On a side note, there are a lot of things in life that are false problems we waste very precious time trying to solve. We need to learn how to pick our battles. Okay sorry for that rant. Here is an example of what I am talking about;

Hw mr prtnts cn i b? Hvng a blg clld "Yng Thnkrs Wrkng fr Mnmm Wg"? I dnt' vn hv a mstrs dgr.

Wth th xcptn f wrds tht r 1 vwl, lt's jst gt rd f vwls ll tgthr. I wll cnsdr wrds tht strt wth vwls.