Thursday, September 18, 2008

Women are Beautiful

The title of this post is extremly appropriate and is in no way meant to objectify that wonderful creation that we call woman. Sure, us men folk enjoy the peculiar curverture that God has endowed women folk with. And to some extent, women were created to be aesthetically pleasing, made to be decorated, and adorned. But let us not forget that which the Bible rightly reminds us. And that is that what makes women most beautiful; what propels them to heights of beauty that men cannot even imagine touching if we were not blessed with having them with us, is that nurturing inner beauty. And I say this two nights removed from watching five exhausted females nurture and love a beautiful dying 20 year old girl, whom death has attempted to mar. But death cannot kill beauty. And women whose sins are payed for by Jesus, have only to fear if they fear the hope of resurrection and the consolation prize of a new body. Sooner than later this girl will have a brand new body, and one that death cannot come near.
I sat behind five women in the Hospice room. They had taken charge of things. I knew my place. The dying girl restlessly tossed and turned in pain unable to find peace. She got up 5 times just to get up. Twice to got to the bathroom. She only actually went once. She asked for more pillows, less pillows, to put her feet up, to put her feet down. And the women were there meeting every single request, caring not that I was there. They were just being women. They were making sure another human being was loved. This is what women do. Us men know that people should be loved. But women cannot not love people. It is within their DNA to love, and to nurture, and to endure excruciating amounts of pain in order to ensure that the life they are nurturing at the moment is the most loved life in the world. I am aware that I am speaking in gross generalities. But while we're speaking in general, let's think of what women generally do that makes them beautiful. They endure the pain of pregancy and childbirth gladly knowing the result is a life that they can take care of. They correct, provide for and continually forgive the little sinners that they've happily accepted from God. In this they show us what God is like. That he is indeed more of a "daddy" than he is a father. Thank God for women. Without them we would all be ugly and die in maybe a matter of weeks.
Please do not take this to mean that I am implying that women are merely curved child rearers. I believe that women are harder workers than men. They are more shrewd in busines than men. They are more courageous, more tough, all the while being better looking than men. They are smarter then men. And capable of doing everything men can do (but better) except play games and start wars. What's more, God has given them the task of bearing and raising children because only women can handle it, and only women are honorable, and trustworthy enough for God to give the task to.
Don't get me wrong. Women are still sinners. Men are not scum. Men are made in the image of God, ( and interestingly women to0). To be a woman is not automatically to be a goddess. Men can build, cultivate, and create beautiful art. But women are a most beautiful, most brilliantly suitable helpmate. And this became a reality to me in a way it never had before in that Hospice. I just wanted to wax eloquent upon the deep impression it made on me. You must excuse the hyperbole and melodramatics. But are not women the most beautiful of God's creations? This does seem to be one of the least debateable points in all the universe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought this piece you wrote spoke to deep part of me I haven't indentified with for so long..thank you brother.