Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama's better than Satan, and Satan's not Bush.

Although there is no emprical evidence to support my claim (nevermind how overated empirical evidence is), I hold that this claim is self-evident. Obama won last night because America bought the "change" mantra. Something there is empirical data for is President Bush's job approval rating. He will be handing the presidency to Barack Obama with the worst approval rating in the history of the presidency. This fact made it easy for Democrats to win this election. All they needed to say was; "We will bring change". What does all of this mean? Of that I am not exactley sure. But I do believe that rating a presidency is meaningless, that President Bush is not a politician, and that Barack will not bring the change that people are looking for. For some politicians, politics is about values, and not politics. A politician's values are best shown by his voting record (if he is in Congress). It is difficult to separate values from politics in the person who is an executive. But I truly believe that the less popular an executive is, the more of a value person he is. Approval rating is our access into the value rating of a politician. The value person apparently doesn't care what people think. Unless of course, the politician is just really stupid. Which some would of course argue that President Bush certainly is. I would argue that he certainly is not. I do not think any public official is. Inarticulate? Oh yes, our president sounds like a blithering idiot. Stupid? If he's stupid, all those who voted for him are stupid. Are all Republicans stupid? Even the ones who are doctors, and have degrees from Yale, Harvard, ...? Do not forget that our president graduated from Yale. Yes, he was a drunk cheerleader. But weren't we all at some point? With that said my point is this. No matter what you say about President Bush, his approval rating shows that he did what he thought was best for every American, and he did not care what you thought. And admit it, this is what you hate. President Bush does not care what you think. President Bush will not change his mind, admit it when he is wrong. He is a stubborn right-wing Texan who likes oil, and likes to blow things up. And he never hinted that he was anything different. And the USA voted for him twice. President Clinton cared about what you thought. He cared enough to tell you that he didn't have any sexual relations with that woman. He cared enough to remove an evil dictator, even though no apparent American interests were at stake. If you say that no American interests were at stake in Iraq, you are lying to yourself, because Iraq has oil, and to President Bush this is certainly an apparent American interest, and he doesn't care if you think oil isn't an American interest. But, you say, "President Bush does care what we think, because he lied to us about why we were going into Iraq. He knew we wouldn't buy the oil thing as an excuse" Correction: Although Bush is a bad politician, he isn't that stupid. America almost always goes to war for oil these days. (Unless they're led by Clinton, then they let young men die so that America forgets about what happens in Billy's pants). Unless politicians have another reason, other than oil, that the public would deem legitimate, they will not go to war. I believe that President Bush really believed that there were WMD's in Iraq. I believe that he will not fess up to America, not becaused he's a dishonest politician, but because he's a stubborn bastard. Bush is not a liar. He's just a (as my friend Devon would say a "benkwrp", I think that's how you spell it)Say what you want about the president, what you see is what you get, and in these days that is something admirable in a politician. The quality we all see and despise in President Bush is the same thing that makes him admirable, and in this way he is just like the rest of us.
This includes president incumbent, Barack Obama. Depending on how good of a politician he is will determine whether one day we find his excellent rhetorical skill to be no longer dazzling but instead, annoyingly vague. Do you remember when President's Bush's "kicking "sarbmp" and taking name's" attitude earned him a 90% approval rating? He wasn't being a politician then either.
Some people are fearful if Obama's voting record is any indication of his values, (and they are) that America will be a pacifist state, with a Socialist economy, and millions upon millions of dead infants. Here's the thing. America cannot afford to be a pacifist state. Barack knows that. There are still too many powerful people benefitting from Captilism to allow one man to change that. Millions and millions of babies were aborted under the most pro life administration to date, not to mention the most pro life supreme court, which could change. It is however unlikely, that Barack could find 2 supreme court justices who would agree to his extreme views on the abortion issue. Nothing is going to change about Roe v. Wade. America will still be capitalist in 4 years. America wil still be killing people with big guns. Big oil won't let the Obama administration find alternate energy. And if Obama tries to be a value president, he will be unpopular, and the Republicans will win by a landslide in 12'. It depends on whether Obama is anything like Bush if we ending up liking him. And although it seems that President Bush always gets his way, it is only in the realm of foreign affairs that this happens. What this means for Obama, is that if he is a value president and not a politician, (which in our current situation will yield the same results) he will pull the troops out. But a little research on Obama, when it comes to foreign affairs, the area the President has a lot of power, maybe too much power, will reveal some scary things. If Obama is a value president, by the time we have another election, we will have a lot of unhappy evangelicals living in a truly religious pluralistic society, nearing an Islamic takeover. Not militarily but culturally. And it is on this cultural front that the battle will be waged. And many, many Americans will passionately hate the president. But, I don't believe that Obama is that ballsy. And is this belief that leads me to believe that for the next four years things will remain much the same as it has been, except we will not have much of a military presence in Iraq.
It's hard to tell exactly what the next president will be like, or what he will do, or what he will actually change. My belief that Obama is not courageous enough to continue his friendly relations with Mid-eastern Muslims is met with fair confidence but not full certainty. But if he that courageous, get ready for change. But don't be too sure that Obama will not go more to the right as an executive in the limelight. Basically I am saying; Barack Obama, the values president is something to be concerned about. But the more likely scenario. Barack Obama, the politician, is as harmless to America as a young friendly intern. However, Michelle ain't Hilary.


Anonymous said...

First comment. WOW! I enjoy your blog. I read your post concerning your thoughts about President Bush and President elect Barack Obama. Your insights require my spending some more time reading the post which I intend to do. Keep sharing your thoughts and insights asa they cause me to really think! Remember, "Love Wins!"

Anonymous said...

That's Classic Matt Miller right there ;)

I was thinking something fairly similar (though you are, by far, more insightful than I could ever be)...

I have a thousand thoughts, but none that I think will really shed any light on anything you've said. But I wanted to leave a post to let you know that the time you spent writing it wasnt wasted =D

Anonymous said...

Lol!! You always have way with words..bro.:)